Lithuanian digital certificates can be issued to citizens of 21 different countries


On the 1st of July this year, “Skaitmeninio sertifikavimo centras” (SSC) (Digital Certification Center) celebrated 8 years of its activities. During this time, the SSC served over 16,000 people from Lithuania and other countries. The SSC is the only certification center in Lithuania, issuing certificates to foreign nationals who do not have Lithuanian citizenship and permission to reside in Lithuania. During the period of 8 years, certificates were issued to citizens of Latvia, Poland, Spain, Germany, Sweden, France, Czech Republic, Great Britain, Bulgaria, Italy, Hungary, Finland, Armenia, Belarus, Russia, USA, Japan, China, Kirghizia, Mongolia and Lebanon.

“The EU Services Directive ensures the free movement of services within the EU economic space, and the Law on Electronic Signature of the Republic of Lithuania ensures that certificates issued by an EU country are recognized in other member countries”, - says the SSC Director and shareholder Mudrikas Dadašovas.

Communicating with customers is simplified by a variety of communication tools. The SSC receives the greatest number of requests from foreign nationals through a Help Desk System, where requests may be placed 24 hours a day.  

All SSC certificate holders receive a free-of-charge “Justa PDF Sign” software that allows customers to sign PDF documents with an electronic signature. The signature format fully corresponds to PadES format recommended by the European Commission. The software is distributed as a service (Software as a Service) and is available to all holders of certificates issued in the EU countries. 

“We are currently completing the development project of the Research and Technology Development (MTTP) Infrastructure, focusing on the development of new and unique products.  Moreover, we have launched 4 more projects, upon the completion of which, we will confirm that our services meet the requirements of international standards ETSI, AICPA, which will open the door to a significantly greater export of our products and services. The projects are financed from the EU structural funds”, – said M. Dadašovas. 

The SSC is actively involved in international organizations in developing standards. Along with such companies as Symantec, Microsoft, Apple and Google, the SSC is a member of “CA/Browser Forum”. Forum members develop various standards related to identification of an identity.

About “Skaitmeninio sertifikavimo centras”

“Skaitmeninio sertifikavimo centras” is the first certification center in Lithuania, established in 2004. The company issues more than 20 types of multi-use digital certificates, develops electronic signature software with a well-known brand name “Justa”.