Future of the digital single market (spalio 8 d.)

Publikuota: 2015 m. spalio 13 d. antradienis • • • Peržiūrėta: 11

A popular job interview question is "Where do you see yourself in 10 years?". We know that it's not so much about how accurate we plan, rather about our ambitions. The European Union has an answer to that - Europe sees itself fulfilling the dream of a unique digital single market for economy and society. Just as we can freely trade and travel in the EU, we should be able to do the same online. What does that mean for me and you? How can it change our lives? We will ask this the Vice President of the European Commission Mr. Andrus Ansip, who is former and longest serving prime minister of Estonia, and who went through a digital revolution in his country and is now ready to revolutionise Europe.




2019-05-08 20:53 (!)

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