Gift to the 135th Anniversary of Television — 135 TV Channels

World Television Day is celebrated annually on November 21. Do you know that television is 135 years old?

The first working television system is considered the invention of the German engineer Paul Nipkow. In 1884, using a disk with a spiral of holes, he converted the image into electrical impulses. A photodetector recorded light, and the received signals were reproduced at the other end of the communication line. The so-called mechanical television was later replaced by electronic. American engineer of Russian origin Vladimir Zworykin invented a television transmitting and receiving system employing cathode ray tubes. In 1929, a Scottish engineer John Logie Baird made the first experimental television broadcast for the BBC. He was the first to achieve the transfer of recognizable human faces using the Nipkow disc.

The history of Lithuanian television begins in 1957, and only after 18 years, the image becomes color. 2006 is the time of the emergence of a new TV generation - IPTV, when Penkių kontinentų komunikacijų centras was the first in the country to offer IPTV services to its subscribers.

Penki has a special offer for customers ahead of Christmas: ordering the Internet and television for 24 months, you will receive a special package of 135 TV channels free. You will surely find something to see! Find out more at