„The Power of Coffee“ gives you the power to feel meaningful

On a beautiful summer afternoon, the Kavos galia (Power of Coffee) car was once again in front of the Penki Kontinentai Group office in Vilnius. From there, the young people of Vilnius Verkiai School-multifunctional center served coffee, cocoa and tea. The participants of the initiative say it was a lot of fun and they will definitely come back.
"The Power of Coffee" initiative aims to integrate people with intellectual disabilities into society by increasing their work skills and raising public awareness that people with disabilities are fully-fledged members of society. As the organizers of "Power of Coffee" say, this initiative is not just about making coffee, it is about the POWER of community, about getting to know people with intellectual disabilities and their POWER.
It is the third time in a row that the Penki kontinentai group participates in this initiative. "Thank you for giving young people the opportunity to test their potential and be a part of society. It is great to see their smiles," said Idrakas Dadašovas, chairman of the Penki kontinentai group.
Another project for the integration of people with disabilities has been implemented in the Penki Kontinentai group since March 2022 - two students of the Verkiai special school-multifunctional center work in the group's café every Thursday. There is also constant cooperation with the Lithuanian Association of People with Intellectual Disabilities Viltis.