Tomaz Valjavec, Solution specialist, Microsoft
2014-11-06 Pranešimai (Microsoft Techday)
Intro to Machine Learning: local and cloud tools
The power of Microsoft Dynamics AX ERP development platform
Storing Your data nativelly in the cloud
Project “Orleans” -- Cultivating scalable cloud services with grains and silos
Azure websites
Security and Microsoft Azure Iaas
EMC Integration into Microsoft Private Cloud
Office 365: what’s new and how you can save your IT costs with Office 365 online services?
Windows PCs can be hacked! It’s time to use Bitlocker
“Touch” Microsoft Dynamics NAV on Azure
Enterprise Social and how to make it successful for your organization
Adding Yammer to your Office 365 environment. How to plan and how to deploy.
Office 365 Data Protection – Security, Privacy and Compliance
SQL Server 2014: In-memory technologies integrated to optimize workload performance
Enterprise Mobile Device Management
Understanding Office 365 ProPlus Deployment
Extending your on premise datacenter with Azure Site to Site VPN
Code Sharing for Universal Apps
Visual Studio Online in action