Anar Gasimov - "As a state bank, we took the direction of digitalization'' | VIBF Baku

Publikuota: 2021 m. gruodžio 14 d. antradienis • • • Peržiūrėta: 45

V International Banking Forum in Baku has come to an end. This year it was dedicated to cashless monetary circulation and brought together participants not only from Azerbaijan, but also from other countries - the Caucasus region and Europe. The latest trends in the banking industry were discussed at the forum and much was said about digitalization. "As a state bank, we have embarked on a course towards digitalization. And right here at the forum you can see an ATM of the latest generation, which is supplied to us by BS2 company. We bought such ATMs and have already integrated NFC with our processing and exchange function," said Anar Gasimov, a Senior specialist of Azer Turk Bank. In addition to various software solutions for digitalization of processes in a modern bank, integration of a counting and sorting machine with Cash Management.iQ cash flow optimization system was presented at the BS/2 stand. Cash Processing Solutions (CPS) counting and sorting machines were presented in Azerbaijan for the first time. BS/2 - ATMeye - Cash Management.iQ -






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