Message of President Barroso ahead of the start of the FIFA World Cup on 11 June 2010

Published: 9 June 2010 y., Wednesday

Žozė Manuelis Barozas
President Barroso conveyed the following message during the visit in Addis Ababa on 8 June at the occasion of the European Commission's meeting with the Commission of the African Union:

“The hearts of millions of people around the world will start beating faster on 11 June when the Football World Cup begins in South Africa.

I am particularly pleased that it is for the first time that an African nation hosts the World Cup.

Like every supporter, I will be cheering on my team and hoping that we have one of the most entertaining tournaments with free flowing football and fair play. And I hope that we see the massive progress that African nations have made in being a real force in the beautiful game.

But beyond my passion for the sport, I am convinced that football is more than a sport: it is a universal language, a language that helps people from different cultures and backgrounds to unite.

Borders of culture, of language and of nationality will be forgotten thanks to the World Cup.

I am sure that South Africa and the whole African continent will make the best out of it. As the eyes of the world turn to South Africa, I sincerely believe that after the World Cup, the country will go from strength to strength. This legacy will not only see major improvements in the country's infrastructure. What I sincerely hope is that a sense of pride and confidence will embrace the country and the continent. South Africa is a stunning country, rich in tradition, culture and vibrancy. Football is above all about hope. It is the perfect platform for South Africa's future which it should grasp with both hands.

I wish South Africa and the African continent success, and for all those that watch enjoyment, excitement and above all fun.”

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