The Slovak electronic vignette brought a significant increase in the revenues from collection for the government

Published: 26 August 2016 y., Friday

The electronic vignette system in the Slovak Republic has become unique in the world thanks to the speed of implementation and increase in the revenues from the collection carried out by SkyToll a.s. on behalf of the Slovak government. Implementation of the system within three months, a significant reduction in costs related to the sale of vignettes by almost 60% and an increase in the efficiency of collection of fees by more than 20% are just some of the benefits of the new solution by SkyToll a.s. in the Slovak Republic.

As of 1 December 2015, the system of electronic vignettes for passenger vehicles up to 3.5 tonnes has been launched in the Slovak Republic. Already during the first seven months of the operation, it has enabled the state to save costs in comparison with the traditional system of motorway stickers of around 2.5 million euros, which represents a savings of almost 60%. At the same time, the first seven months brought an increase in the sale of vignettes compared to the same period of the previous year by more than 20%.

The supplier and the operator of the system is SkyToll, which was also in charge of the design and development of the system. Development of the system only took an incredible 3 calendar months, which ranks this project among the fastest implemented projects in the area of collection of fees for road infrastructure.

The solution also includes the option of purchasing the vignette electronically using the internet. During the first month,over 60% of all purchases had already been made electronically - using the Web portal or the mobile application.

The positive impact of the introduction of the system was evenvisible in the first few weeks after the introduction, which, according to the data released by the Ministry of Transport, Construction and Regional Development of the Slovak Republic, saw an increase in sales of the vignettes by 30% compared to the same period of the last year. The increased sales can also be attributed to preventing the possibleuse of counterfeit vignettes, as was the case with the stickers.

By introducing the system of SkyToll, a.s., the Ministry of Transport, Construction and Regional Development of the Slovak Republic boosted the revenues from the collection by 20% in total and reduced the costs by 60%, which makes the project of electronic vignettes a great success.

This project was also published as a part of the TOP 10 IT projects implemented in the Slovak Republic and was nominated for the prestigious Global Road Achievement Awards awarded by the International Road Federation for an outstanding contribution in the field of intelligent transport systems.

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