One of the best fiscal years and solid start for Diebold Nixdorf

Published: 17 November 2016 y., Thursday

Wincor Nixdorf AG met its revenue target for fiscal 2015/2016, which was on a par with the guidance figure it had previously revised upward, and exceeded the mark set with regard to operating profit. Net sales totaled €2,579 million, up 6% on the prior-year figure (2014/2015: €2,427 million). Operating profit, i.e., earnings before interest, taxes, and amortization (EBITA), reached €194 million (2014/2015: €102 million) without accounting for non-recurring items and was thus up €4 million on the figure most recently projected by the company.

On this basis, Wincor Nixdorf AG recorded one of its best fiscal years since its inception. Fiscal 2015/2016 produced the highest net sales and second highest operating profit in the history of the company. This was the result of major progress made by the Group in its efforts to adapt its business to changing market conditions. The Delta program of transformation, which entered its second year of execution in fiscal 2015/2016, moved forward with great success and better than planned. This strong performance by Wincor Nixdorf also provides a solid foundation for the new company to be created, Diebold Nixdorf. Integration efforts within this area are progressing well. A number of important milestones have been reached in recent months as the basis of a successful start for Diebold Nixdorf. These include the official closing and joint corporate planning as well as the approval of a domination and profit and loss transfer agreement by shareholders at a recently convened Extraordinary General Meeting.

In pursuing the business combination with full corporate integration, the two companies have charted a well-judged course for the future: Diebold and Wincor Nixdorf complement each other perfectly in respect of geographic coverage. Alongside the benefits of synchronized R&D efforts and sales portfolios within the area of Hardware, the combined group will be in a position to provide more extensive resources for Software and Services, the aim being to support customers effectively as they make the transition toward the digital age of connected commerce. Retail business within the US market will also provide opportunities for growth.

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